Thursday, November 09, 2006

Celebration is For Me

It was Monday morning and Trevor got to go to school and tell all the kids there to be happy and party. That's a picture of the chalkboard that I wrote on to instruct the chidlings (or maybe people my age who are old).
Well it turns out that in North America we hate a good party. We don't like to celebrate things. Honestly I don't think we truly mourn things either. We sort of relegate emotion to a scrap heap. I'm sure Amy and all her Old Testament knowledge would agree with me here. Those crazy feasts the Jews would hold were times of large scale celebration and they had a zillion of them every year. How many do our churches have? One? Maybe at Christmas?
We're a boring people. God has done so much for us and we act like he's a school teacher at a lecture. Is that right? Maybe church should be about burying ourselves in candy (above) or maybe it should be jumping on a trampoline juggling flaming torches, but whatever is done should be in remembrance of the great things that have been done, are being done and will be done in our lives.
There are times for celebration and for hardships, and I think that we shouldn't try and nullify either.

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