Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It is Time to Say Goodbye

Now it is time to rejoin what has been a very interesting sort of blog. Random advertising for nothing? What are you thinking Trevor? I don't quite know. But it was fun, lots of fun.
Me and blogs only co-exist with a mutual tension it seems in the first place. If somebody really wants to know something about me, I'm not against them asking me. Questions are good for the Trevor. And also there is a point where if you need to know something about me, you should be getting to know me in person. That's how you can know.
Anyways, that's off topic for this post. Basically what I was getting at is that if you want to scratch beneath the surface, you aren't going to be handed it nicely in a blog format. That doesn't really find anything out about someone anyway. I think God is the same way. You can't really expect to find out much about God if you simply read his blog.
Yes, I've been doing some pondering of late and very recently I decided that someone needed to be done. Things don't get done, God doesn't get met. Where is my time wasted? The internet. At times I have cut myself off from many things before, but many of those things were not things I was especially fond of in the first place. Well I want to know God more than I want to satisfy myself (okay that's not true, because in fact I want to satisfy myself by knowing God, but I think that's a much better way to do so.)
Basically as of March 1, the only place on the web I am going to visit is my e-mail. At no other times will I be surfing (although if I MUST find information on something very SPECIFIC, I will do that as well.) Thus, this is the final post I am going to have on this site for a while and I probably won't be visiting any of yours either unless I am sinning.
At this point in my life I want to make sure of God's call and path for me and I must remove all the things that will hinder me. I may possibly add more things to the list I don't know. I may be back on the internet as of April 1, but maybe later.

If you wish to comment, do so before March begins...

1 comment:

laureneh said...

boo hoo. well if this is lent-inspired, run with it, and if not, good luck with it anyways.

i, on the other hand, will continue to spend ample amounts of meaningless time on this cute glowing box.

let me know what real life is like, thanks.