Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It is Time to Say Goodbye

Now it is time to rejoin what has been a very interesting sort of blog. Random advertising for nothing? What are you thinking Trevor? I don't quite know. But it was fun, lots of fun.
Me and blogs only co-exist with a mutual tension it seems in the first place. If somebody really wants to know something about me, I'm not against them asking me. Questions are good for the Trevor. And also there is a point where if you need to know something about me, you should be getting to know me in person. That's how you can know.
Anyways, that's off topic for this post. Basically what I was getting at is that if you want to scratch beneath the surface, you aren't going to be handed it nicely in a blog format. That doesn't really find anything out about someone anyway. I think God is the same way. You can't really expect to find out much about God if you simply read his blog.
Yes, I've been doing some pondering of late and very recently I decided that someone needed to be done. Things don't get done, God doesn't get met. Where is my time wasted? The internet. At times I have cut myself off from many things before, but many of those things were not things I was especially fond of in the first place. Well I want to know God more than I want to satisfy myself (okay that's not true, because in fact I want to satisfy myself by knowing God, but I think that's a much better way to do so.)
Basically as of March 1, the only place on the web I am going to visit is my e-mail. At no other times will I be surfing (although if I MUST find information on something very SPECIFIC, I will do that as well.) Thus, this is the final post I am going to have on this site for a while and I probably won't be visiting any of yours either unless I am sinning.
At this point in my life I want to make sure of God's call and path for me and I must remove all the things that will hinder me. I may possibly add more things to the list I don't know. I may be back on the internet as of April 1, but maybe later.

If you wish to comment, do so before March begins...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Limited Time Offer

Feeling like you're about to get hit with a 2 x 4 to the face with simply no relief. Try wrapping your entire face with bubble wrap. You see the face is very soft and a blow to the head with a large piece of wood might cause your face to be no more. Thus you should have a pre-emptive relief of the problem and your face will be fine. Yes, a couple rolls of bubble wrap and maybe some duct tape and your face will be indestructable!
Today we are selling a wonderful roll of bubble wrap for the low, low price of $49.99, but that's not all. If you order now we'll throw in a free seeing eye hamster for only an additional $49.99, a grand total of $129.99. We do not recommend this product for anyone who can do math.
Protect your face and your life now!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love is in My Hand (Memories of)

Another year, another Valentine's Day without having a date...

...but I suppose this year my date is only living in Edmonton and away, so I can have one later. I'm not sad really, so don't worry about me. I'll get to have a Valentine's Day with a significant other for the first time next year (yes you heard that right).
Anyways on this occasion of remembering a certain saint and how he was brutally martyred, I want to remember something that was LOVE-ly and happened a while back (and didn't involve death). The picture I have posted above was taken during the afternoon of November 3, 2005. It was one of the first of my daily cell phone pictures that I would continue to take up until this very day.
It was a Thursday and Survivor parties usually happen on Thursdays. On this specific one my good friend Amy decided to bring her very good friend Melissa to hang out with us. Yes, we had previously met her about a year before at a dance party, but this was really a new thing. It was a meeting. Despite Melissa often being shy around new people, she fit in quickly with us, telling jokes and laughing for hours after the show was over. It was as if she had been friends with us for a long time and not simply for that one night. She had made an impression and that would keep her coming back to hang with the group on many more occasions.
At the time I did not love this girl, but I did think she was highly cool. Love came later on. Over the next few months this wonderful girl began to woo me and finally I took notice of her and got the courage to ask her out.
By the way, the title of the picture that day was "Love is in my Hand" and how very interesting that day would bring the love of my life into my life. A prophetic image it most certainly was! Now on this Valentine's Day I cannot hold her in my hands, based purely on distance, but it will come down to another day, when not only will the girl I met that day be my friend or my best friend, but a lot more. On this day you will all meet a new Melissa and a new Trevor, living their lives as one unit...

...could it be? exactly two years to that day?

Maybe it could. Truly love is no longer in my hands, but it has became a part of me, inside of me. It makes me dance, a spontaneous dance without music!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Dawn of the Braindead

I will admit it, I am a zombie
I live in a nation and a culture full of zombies
Living primarily upon consuming the flesh of the living
The only thing that drives me is carnal instinct

Oh the blood is flowing
The last mortal has been killed and eaten
What will we do now?
the Hunger

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Pure Kaklort

Sometimes when the world is all squiggly
And the sky in the clouds is rapt
The shadows all around flempt out your name
Flempting until the narwhals come home

In these times face down in yokk
Covered with pain of nersu bites
The feeling of bambliness abides in your soul
Rambling and bambling like a pack of geese

Sometimes in the days of adanting
With bowls of yax in your hands
The tops of carrots seem to reeve and try
Reeving into the sands of time

In these times you must remember pegog
And the nisk sauce you put on it
The unified frink has a glow around its core
Grab a hold of the frinks and iddle away

At all times you can dwelz in the mud
Mirsking your arms through the light
The tidings of coxtaran will always be there
March in the parade of taran's daughters

Then and only then will your hanrag be free
Dancing with jaru in the morning fog
The great babble of quarbnine aloud
A happy bunch of quarbnine is pure kaklort