Sunday, August 19, 2007

Youth Campout Registration

Youth Campout Code of Conduct

We at ACF believe in a somewhat orderly youth campout and there are a few things that are necessary to accommodate this:

-Alcohol/Drugs will not be tolerated. Anyone found in possession of these things will be sent home.

-Dress should be modest. Sponsors have the right to ask you to change if this is not being met.-Respecting the property of other people and the camp at all times is to be expected.

- Guys and girls will stay on their respective sides of the lodge and are not to be in the room of the opposite sex under any circumstances.

-During night hours, youth are not to be “out and about” without an adult present. If you wish to stay up, find an adult.

-The murder of another individual is both unlawful and morally wrong. Students will refrain from killing. As well, dying is frowned upon. Any steps you can take to prevent your own death are good. Basically neither violence nor stupidity are looked upon as valuable traits.

Following these rules will cause everyone to have tons and tons of fun. Not following them will make hurt some people and hurt is not fun. Thus observing the rules is required.

At all times the adults present are responsible for your wellbeing and thus they have the final say on all matters. Continued disregard for the rules will result in parents being asked to come pick you up.

I, _________________________________, have read the above and agree to abide by it.
signature of youth
print name