Monday, October 01, 2007

Down the Road

It's October, which means I have 33 days left until I'm a married man. Yeah, how's that for crazy? Well it most certainly is. Anyways what I want to do in the time before the wedding is post some of my favorite cell phone photos of myself. You know, because that's the original purpose of this site. So I was thinking I'll have 10 posts of 5 pictures each with maybe a bit of an explanation for why I like these photos. If I run out of time, I won't do this, but I should.

Oh yeah and just so more people will see it, I'll probably Facebook this too.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

52 days to go

If I don't get married soon, I might explode!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Youth Campout Registration

Youth Campout Code of Conduct

We at ACF believe in a somewhat orderly youth campout and there are a few things that are necessary to accommodate this:

-Alcohol/Drugs will not be tolerated. Anyone found in possession of these things will be sent home.

-Dress should be modest. Sponsors have the right to ask you to change if this is not being met.-Respecting the property of other people and the camp at all times is to be expected.

- Guys and girls will stay on their respective sides of the lodge and are not to be in the room of the opposite sex under any circumstances.

-During night hours, youth are not to be “out and about” without an adult present. If you wish to stay up, find an adult.

-The murder of another individual is both unlawful and morally wrong. Students will refrain from killing. As well, dying is frowned upon. Any steps you can take to prevent your own death are good. Basically neither violence nor stupidity are looked upon as valuable traits.

Following these rules will cause everyone to have tons and tons of fun. Not following them will make hurt some people and hurt is not fun. Thus observing the rules is required.

At all times the adults present are responsible for your wellbeing and thus they have the final say on all matters. Continued disregard for the rules will result in parents being asked to come pick you up.

I, _________________________________, have read the above and agree to abide by it.
signature of youth
print name

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Light Shining In

When I take God for granted he is still there shining into my life
He makes me reflect that light on to others
Yet I seem to always strafe from the target
It's a sad state to be in, but this is not something God will give up at
He will carry me on and cause me to shine brightly
But now that I notice what is happening
I can look at God willingly and instead of him carrying me
We walk side by side
For as long as I will and then when I am weak
There we shall go again
And he will never let me fail
I will always shine

At the end of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (don't keep reading if you haven't seen the movie) as Jim Carrey's memory of Clementine is about to be erased forever she implants one last subconscious thought in his head, "Meet me in Montauk". As Christians, when we forget we need to meet God in Montauk, the place we first met. We need to go back to the beginning to see where God has brought us. That's where I need to go.

Let me shine

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Today is something special, yes a wonderful thing. Particularly someone very special.
A person who gives with everything that they are and then gives some more. Someone who has helped influence and shape my life. Thus on this "blog" I need to give credit where it is due and thanks my mother, because I'm not going to do it on Mother's Day. Okay I might and should, but today is her birthday so that's why I'm doing it today.
I met my mother just over twenty-four years ago as a young fetus. During that time my mother was always feeding me through this tube in my belly. She kept me warm and safe for nine months. Then I got free and she cared for me more. That's the story I have to tell.
My mom is one of the toughest people alive. I remember one day when we were playing bump and she dislocated her finger. That pinkie was sticking up at about a 45 degree angle from the first joint. But of course she was all laughing about it like "Haha, look at this guys". She finds the positives in everything I think and I could certainly do more of that (not that I don't do any).
So today the tribute is to the world's best mother: MINE!!!

In other news, this last weekend was super fun. My family and I went to Stanley Park on Sunday night which was the super sweet and on Monday me and Melissa went on a photo journey (taking pictures for the website I am building) to some great destinations including Cremona, Didsbury, Carstairs, Olds and Airdrie. At one church I had to take pictures of there was nobody to be found inside the church, but it had been surprisingly unlocked, so I went on an adventure to get into their soundbooth and turn on the sanctuary lights (since nobody was there at the church to help me). At another point, Melissa had the bright idea of using the toilet paper in the camera case as prevention for my continued blood flow from pouring onto my Dad's camera even more than it already did. It was her fault though, she did punch me in the face. All in all it was definitely good times, so this can be a tribute to her as well I guess.

Oh yeah, I guess my calling card for this site is to post a picture of myself in every post, but this post isn't about me, it's about these fabulous females. But I suppose I can give in and post a picture of one woman's handsome progeny and one woman's handsome fiance.